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Targeted Technology Transfer for Oil and Natural Gas
Project Number
Last Reviewed Dated

The goal of this project is to conduct an encompassing suite of oil and natural gas related technology and information transfer activities that provide insight to producers and other stakeholders in a concise, meaningful format that encourages them to make timely and informed technical and business decisions.


Petroleum Technology Transfer Council,(PTTC), Tulsa, OK


  • Eastern: West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV; Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
  • Midwest: Illinois State Geological Survey, Champaign, IL; University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
  • Mid-Continent: University of Kansas-TORP, Lawrence, KS; University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK; University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS; Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, TX; Louisiana State University, Baton rouge, LA
  • Rocky Mountain: Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
  • West Coast: Conservation Committee of Oil & Gas Producers, Bakersfield, CA

PTTC [external site] was formed in the early 1990s as a joint federal, state, and industry collaboration to provide the domestic oil producing industry (primarily independent producers) with improved access to information about evolving and underutilized technologies. The original model envisioned that PTTC would eventually become self-supporting and efforts continue toward that end. Currently, state funding (primarily from cost-sharing by PTTC's regional organizations) continues, as does industry participation through the provision of significant time and expertise to PTTC as well as participation in PTTC activities.

PTTC continues to transfer information and results from Department of Energy (DOE)-supported R&D as well as research supported directly by the oil and gas industry to a broad stakeholder audience, including independent and other oil and natural gas producers, academia, technology developers, and the service sector. Outreach for DOE includes all aspects of the Fossil Energy (FE) Natural Gas & Oil Program, including research under Title IX, Subtitle J (Section 999) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

Activities under this project are designed to (1) disseminate DOE and oil and gas industry technology and information to independent producers and other stakeholders; (2) maximize the value of that technology, expertise, and capability; and (3) facilitate the commercialization of the technology in the energy marketplace. PTTC will employ a multi-faceted technology transfer program to deliver oil-and gas- related information to stakeholders in a format that stimulates application and speeds technology adoption.


The impacts of the work performed by PTTC are multi-faceted. PTTC has an established network of stakeholders (primarily independent producers) across the United States that rely on them for technology information. Technology providers actively participate with the council to share developing technologies with potential users. Consultants recognize PTTC as a source for equipping them with the tools needed to serve that stakeholder base. DOE's natural gas and oil RD&D program recognizes PTTC as a medium for connecting with industry regarding project results and technology developments. PTTC also provides DOE with a feedback mechanism to communicate concerns and issues within the domestic oil and natural gas producing industry. States directly benefit through added revenue from increased production and reserves that result when producers apply enhanced exploration and production approaches and technologies. As technology information is successfully disseminated and adopted, the consequent increase in oil and gas production and reserves strengthens the nation's energy portfolio and helps ensure a secure U.S. energy future.

Accomplishments (most recent listed first)
  • PTTC has conducted multiple outreach workshops throughout FY2014 (including both regional and HQ-based activities) with strong industry stakeholder participation.
  • PTTC conducted 56 outreach workshops in FY2013 (including both regional and HQ-based activities) with strong industry stakeholder participation.
  • PTTC conducted 49 outreach workshops in FY2012 (including both regional and HQ-based activities) with strong industry stakeholder participation.
  • PTTC conducted 79 outreach workshops in FY2011 (including both regional and HQ-based activities) with strong industry stakeholder participation.
  • PTTC conducted over 70 outreach workshops in FY2010 (including both regional and HQ-based activities) with strong industry stakeholder participation.
  • PTTC continues to publish its technology newsletter (Network News) on a quarterly basis (with twelve publications from FY2010 through 2012) to a primarily industry-focused subscriber base.
  • PTTC continues to distribute relevant and timely technical news via its e-alerts system.
  • PTTC continues to provide the oil and gas industry with access to important technical news and information through its website.
  • PTTC continues to work on restructuring its network of technical content providers and stakeholders through a variety of outreach efforts.
  • PTTC has (since June 2011) continued to provide a monthly invited column to the American Oil and Gas Reporter.
Current Status

The award’s period of performance has ended.  

Project Start
Project End
DOE Contribution


Performer Contribution


Contact Information

NETL – William Fincham (
PTTC – Dr. Mary Carr ( or 303-273-3107)
If you are unable to reach the above personnel, please contact the content manager.