In typical conventional fracture stimulation, a selected fracture design is implemented at all fracture stages of a horizontal well without consideration for reservoir heterogeneity or dynamic stress changes that occur during fracturing. As a result, 50 percent of the total production from the well will come from about one-third of the fracture stages pumped. The intended fracturing optimization through the HFTS program aims to eliminate this inefficiency by creating effective fractures in every treatment. The net effect of such efficiency improvement will increase production from the well with no increase in the amount of water, chemicals, proppants, and energy required. This translates to minimized air emissions and other environmental impacts associated with production of a unit volume of oil and gas.
The shale revolution has enabled the production of significant volumes of oil in some parts of the country, but inadequate infrastructure has been unable to transport the gas produced with the oil out of the field. In such cases, significant volumes of otherwise valuable gas are flared resulting in Greenhouse Gas emissions and lost revenue. The proposed activities will investigate the potential for using flared, or otherwise wasted gas to improve recovery efficiency of oil from shale, by reinjecting the gas back into the reservoir for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) purposes. Not only will this reduce the amount of natural gas being flared, but it will also increase the recovery efficiency of the resource and reduce the number of wells that will be needed to recover it. Another aspect of the overall activity is treatment of the produced water. This is beneficial in two ways. First, water in the Permian Basin is a commodity and if the produced water can be cleaned and used for other purposes, the environment and region benefit. Second, less water will need to be injected down disposal wells, which has been linked to induced seismicity.
Recent advances in understanding of the hydraulic fracturing geometry captured at the HFTS, coupled with advances in expandable liner technologies, have provided an opportunity to significantly increase domestic production and recoveries from existing horizontal wells by strategically contacting previously un-drained portions of the reservoir through in-fill stimulation. Furthermore, recompleting 20 percent of the candidate pool of the existing wells (28,000 wells) would generate substantial economic activity while at the same time minimize the environmental footprint as compared to new well development. Phase 3 of the project, Legacy Well Recompletion – Infill Stimulation, will examine the potential for recompleting existing horizontal wells in a scientific manner which can be replicated across various shale basins with the following specific objectives:
- Answer the key question – Can new, previously undrained reservoir be identified within a produced wellbore, and successfully contacted with new infill stimulation technology to boost production and improve recoveries?
- Understand how new fractures grow in presence of existing stimulated reservoir volume (SRV), and changes in drainage.
- Quantify the economic viability of infill stimulation, potential added resource that could be achieved, environmental benefits by reducing the need for new wells.