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Thank You to Those Who Answered the Nation’s Call to Duty
Veterans Day

Veteran’s Day is an aptly named, sacred tradition when we express regards and appreciation to the men and women who have answered the nation’s call to duty. At NETL, it is an honor and privilege to work side-by-side with many men and women who actively served with pride and distinction in our armed forces. I am extremely proud of their continuing contributions to energy science as they work at our laboratories in Albany, Pittsburgh, and Morgantown with the kind of dedication and diligence that characterizes service in the U.S. military.

NETL is honoring our veterans by spotlighting them in a special electronic publication available here. It is just one small way to recognize their service and what it has meant to a grateful nation. I hope our many friends take a moment to review the publication and become aware of the past contributions our NETL veterans have made in defense of our nation.

Veterans’ Day is intended to thank those who bravely served our country. We should all take the opportunity to express gratitude to our veterans as we celebrate this important Veterans Day holiday.

At NETL, we proudly thank our veterans for their service.