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GCEAF Panel will take place Thursday, September 22nd.
NETL Director Brian Anderson will join other Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory directors to discuss the future direction of their laboratories’ energy research as part of a Business Forum during the 2022 Global Clean Energy Action Forum (GCEAF) September 21-23 in Pittsburgh’s David L. Lawrence Convention Center.
Matt Reeder uses an infrared camera to complete fieldwork as part of NETL’s abandoned well research project near Olean, New York. He is joined by Nathan Graber of the New York Department of Environmental Conservation. The photo was taken in March 2022. It was the first of three research trips by NETL to the site.
NETL experts have hit the road to develop best practices to find and characterize undocumented orphaned oil and gas wells, which can leak methane, a potent greenhouse gas, contaminate groundwater and create other environmental issues after they are abandoned or taken out of production.
A landscape photo of a corn field with a cloudy blue sky
A groundbreaking class of hybrid solvents developed by NETL researchers to capture greenhouse gas from fuel streams and generate clean hydrogen from fossil energy resources could also bolster supply chains of key raw materials needed to address a crisis that is currently facing America’s farmers.
Materials Advances, an international research publication dedicated to materials science breakthroughs, reported that a paper authored by three NETL researchers was one of the most popular articles published in its journal over the past year.
Funding Opportunity Announcement
WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Aug. 31, 2022, the U.S. Department of Energy announced $46 million for 22 projects that will create biofuel energy and bioproducts to help decarbonize the transportation and power generation sectors.
SSAE Newsletter
The September 2022 edition of the SSAE Newsletter provides updates about recent research initiatives undertaken within NETL’s Strategic Systems Analysis and Engineering (SSAE) directorate. Click here to access this latest edition and learn about activities that SSAE is leading to gain insights into new energy concepts, support the analysis of energy system interactions and advance its capabilities.
Four scientists looking at a test tube in a lab,
NETL is leading the Center for Sustainable Fuels and Chemicals (CSFC), a focus to help the U.S. chemicals industry retool products and operations for a sustainable future that strengthens domestic manufacturing as the nation transitions to clean energy.
A developer touching the optical pH sensor.
NETL researchers have developed a cutting-edge fiber-optic sensor to monitor conditions in extreme environments thousands of feet below the Earth’s surface and obtain essential data needed to safely sequester greenhouse gas in underground reservoirs.
A photo of an open pipe sticking out out of the ground, with an orange ribbon tied around the shaft of the pipe.
NETL will support a new research consortium funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) to identify and characterize the nation’s vast number of undocumented orphaned wells (UOWs) and determine their full environmental impact with a focus on methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas.
On Aug. 29, 2022, the Biden-Harris Administration, through the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), issued a Request for Information (RFI) to help guide the implementation of $335 million in investments from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for lithium-ion battery recycling programs.